Saints row the third mods
Saints row the third mods

Apparently according to a chain of emails between 'idol' and crew from Volition LA (Jeff Thompson, the Studio Director of Programming, Alex Mejia and Steve Jaros), mod support will be coming to Saint's Row 2 and 3 as a 'test run' in the lead up to Saint's Row IV release. Now I'm going to go kick Killbane's ass again so I can rub it in that smug fucker's face one more time. V olition rock if this blog post on idolninja is anything to go by. Make sure to check for updates to GoS every once in a while and check out for individual SR3 mods. Here is the forum thread detailing new additions and upcoming additions to the pack. The current 1.1 version of Gentlemen of Steelport adds things like the ability to customize all vehicles, excluding choppers, increases the fly speed of the Specter, and, most importantly, allows you to replay every single mission in the game via your cell phone. Gentlemen of Steelport is still relatively new and doesn't add a whole lot, but it does significantly improve the base game. Gentlemen of Steelport is a mod compilation for the PC version of Saints Row the Third by a lot of the same guys who did Gentlemen of the Row, an SR2 mod pack with over 100 additions to the game including weapons, costumes, music, and all sorts of other shit. I'm surprised there isn't a thread about this yet.

Saints row the third mods